Strathmore Arms Beer Festival – Barrel Wedges

One of our more unusual, but urgent and extremely important commissions this week, wooden barrel wedges for the Strathmore Arms Beer Festival, St Paul’s Walden, 25th – 28th June.

Toby was out walking with Soda (Security) after work through the woods up to St Paul’s Walden, where he usually stops at the Strathmore Arms to provide Soda with water refreshments, and maybe a cider for himself.

Pub Landlord Danny Blackwell, was busy moving some of the 23 different beers casks / kegs from his cellar and setting them up on the rack in the back room in preparation for the busy 3 day beer festival due to take place this weekend.

This hugely popular event draws people from miles around and as always is expected to be a very busy one.

As Danny was putting the kegs in place, he realised he was short of 12 vital pieces of equipment, the wooden barrel wedges.  One of the other local’s at the bar, spotted Toby and pointed him in Danny’s direction to see if he could use his joinery skills to help.

Realising this was a very important task, Toby readily agreed to make the 12 wedges and get these delivered ASAP, in time for the Beer Festival.

The next morning the Workshop schedule was rearranged, everything literally put on hold for 15 minutes whilst the wedges were made.

Wooden Barrel Wedges

Wooden barrel wedges made for the Strathmore Arms Beer Festival


Wedges now made and delivered to a happy landlord, beer ready in place and in correct position, fingers crossed weather looks promising, customers looking forward to a busy Beer Festival – everyone’s a winner.  Cheers!

Beer Festival